Dan Collison


Quick case study

Cazoo logistics dashboard


  • UX / UI designer (me)


  • 2022
  • 8 months


  • Miro
  • Figma


Design a web app for importing, storing, and exporting vehicles.


Vastly increased speed and quality of Cazoo's internal logistics operations.


The business wanted to streamline operations - by replacing a multitude of spreadsheets, paperwork, and channels used by regional logistics teams - with one single digital product.

2/5Service blueprint

I interviewed logistics team members to gain an understanding of the legacy ways of working - I then created a service blueprint to demonstrate the proposed product solution.

3/5Spreadsheet prototype

I designed a spreadsheet - which I tested and verified the with logistics managers - to be used as an interim solution while the larger, fuller product was being designed and developed.

4/5Dashboard UI design

I designed a fully functional dashboard and data table UI in Figma - this ran off of Cazoo's Material UI-based design system - again, I tested the designs with logistics team users.

5/5Agile development

Once the designs were signed off I joined a cross-functional product squad - to oversee the build from a QA perspective - additional features were added during the process.

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